Companhia Atlântica

五世紀以前,十六世紀的葡萄牙印度公司航行海洋,將商品銷售到世界各地。如今,Ca Atlântica的目標則是創造具有記憶和個性的產品,同樣跨越大洋傳播。這些標誌性的物品源於富有想像力的設計師之手。他們每天都深入探索這個擁有800多年歷史的國家根源,仔細審視葡萄牙的文化遺產,並將之與當代多元文化經驗融合。品牌的創造者們從葡萄牙豐富的傳統、文化和藝術遺產中汲取靈感,致力於重新發現、詮釋和創新葡萄牙的靈魂。他們的目標是賦予這個集體身份一種永恆的語言,同時呈現更加現代化的面貌。
Five centuries ago, in the 16th century, the Portuguese India Company sailed the oceans, selling goods to all parts of the world. Today, the Atlantic Company aims to create products with memory and personality, similarly crossing oceans. These iconic items originate from the hands of imaginative designers. Every day, they delve deep into the roots of this country with over 800 years of history, carefully examining Portugal's cultural heritage and blending it with contemporary multicultural experiences. The brand creators draw inspiration from Portugal's rich traditions, culture, and artistic heritage, dedicated to rediscovering, reinterpreting, and reinventing the Portuguese soul. Their goal is to endow this collective identity with an eternal language while presenting a more modern facade.